Measuring Information, Relationships and Outcomes

MIRO is a software tool created to capture information, relationships and outcomes in a young person’s wellbeing journey over time.

In 2011 KYS partnered with evaluators, and with funding from the Health Research Council, developed a youth outcomes model and measure that captured a set of meaningful and useful information about outcomes for rangatahi, including the hard to measure areas that are key to the development of healthy, resilient, thriving rangatahi.

The outcome measurement assessment now known as MIRO is underpinned by a domains framework created by KYS and informed by Sir Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā model, made up of clearly defined descriptors for each of the eight domains and 18 subdomains representing the health and wellbeing of rangatahi.

The model assists the staff member providing the programme, intervention or service to identify both the challenges and strengths of each rangatahi, and then over time capture the change or progress in the subdomains that are relevant to them. The model provides an opportunity to identify rangatahi’s individual needs, transparently collect this information so it can be disseminated to all the practitioners involved in their care, and enable this information to inform an appropriate intervention. The model can then monitor the outcomes to measure change over time.

We trialled the model as part of an impact evaluation which identified the changes experienced by rangatahi and the contribution KYS made to those changes.

Contact us to learn more about MIRO and if this tool could assist you or your organisation.