Designed to support rangatahi throughout adolescence and into adulthood, our range of wellbeing and youth development programmes are all about support, engagement and building healthy networks. Scroll down to read more about each programme.
Youth Services
Youth Services is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Social Development to support rangatahi aged 16-19 years. KYS’ specially trained Youth Coaches focus on supporting rangatahi into education, training and work-based learning. They provide intensive, tailored support to rangatahi who meet at least one of the following criteria:
- rangatahi aged 16-17 who can’t live with their parents or guardians
- rangatahi aged 16-19 who are the main parent or caregiver for a child
- NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) – support for 16-17 year olds to stay in school, or get back into education or training if they’ve left.
Youth Coaches support rangatahi in the ways they most need it – giving practical help with housing issues, preparing for job interviews, developing community connections, fun activities, group work and one-on-one mentoring.
Some of the wrap-around services specific to Youth Services within KYS include:
- assistance with driver licencing (an essential requirement in most instances to gain employment)
- financial literacy and mentoring
- parenting programmes
- dyslexia screening
For more information about Youth Services, check out this link:
Transition Services
For rangatahi who have been with Oranga Tamariki or Youth Justice and are ready to step into the next stage of their journey, but may still be needing support in some areas of their lives. Youth Coaches support rangatahi with things like finding housing or employment, driver licensing, getting legal advice, enrolling in a training course, access to counselling, and transition to independent living.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones is a group-based and mentoring programme for rangatahi aged 12-16 years, to increase their confidence and strengths, explore identity and help develop positive connections with peers, whānau, community and environment.
Adventure-based therapy is a large component of the group’s focus with each activity having a learning and reflection component. The programme’s aim is to enable each young person to develop motivation and establish new and different attitudes and behaviours.
Young Parents
The Young Parent Support programme provides education and support to young parents aged 15-24 years and their whānau. It’s available at any stage of a young person’s pregnancy or within their child’s first five years and includes birth education – provided either one-on-one or within a group or whānau. The aim is to enable young parents to have the confidence to make positive, healthy decisions for themselves and their baby.
Ongoing support helps with breastfeeding, safe sleeping and nutrition and aims to improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of the parents. This also includes child development and behavioural management strategies that are based on the positive parenting programmes Triple P and Incredible Years.
he kĀkano
He Kākano is a strengths-based programme for rangatahi aged 10 to 13 years. He Kākano supports, develops and empowers rangatahi to grow; increase their knowledge, develop skills and build confidence through individual and group sessions. This enables them to problem solve and develop positive social and community connections, so as to build bright, independent futures.
The programme has a strong whānau focus. It encourages an understanding of where young people stand in their life, whānau, hapu and iwi within Te Ao Māori.
For rangatahi who may be needing strategies to cope with the pressures of everyday life, are struggling to make sense of it all, wanting someone to talk to, or just someone to listen. At KYS, our mentors walk alongside rangatahi giving guidance, advice and support while helping them strengthen their connections with peers, whānau and their community. Rangatahi set the pace for how often they see their mentor, and sometimes the relationship continues over a long period of time – allowing the mentor context and longevity of care throughout the journey to adulthood. Rangatahi are free to re-engage with their mentor depending on their individual needs and circumstances.
Money Moves – Financial Capability
Money Moves is a financial literacy programme tailored specifically for young people 16-24 years, to help them understand the basic principles of money management. It assists them with practical help and advice including budgeting, KiwiSaver, student loans, debt, their rights and obligations. The programme aims to help rangatahi establish positive financial habits for life.
Admin Support
From the front desk to the back office, our team of support staff cover reception, administration, finances, communications, cleaning and caretaking and all the other jobs that crop up here and there. They’re the crew who do the do, and make the machine at the heart of KYS whirr like the smooth operation that it is.
Youth Reps
Youth reps are the youth-friendly face of KYS. Every year since KYS began, we’ve welcomed a team of friendly, motivated Year 13 rangatahi from the local colleges. Youth reps take turns working at the front desk after school, running and attending events initiated by KYS and local community organisations, take on leadership opportunities and are positive role models for other rangatahi. Many of our youth reps have gone on to be social workers, doctors, nurses and counsellors, and some have even returned to work at KYS. We love our youth reps!
Project Youth
Project Youth is a fun, supportive, educational, confidential social hub for young people with diverse genders and sexualities in the Kāpiti region. Part support group, part hang-out space, Project Youth meets weekly for group events and activities throughout the year. It’s open to all young people between 13 – 18 who are exploring their gender and sexuality, who identify as Takatāpui or who fit within the LGBTQIA* community.

*LGBTQIA means lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual. It’s an acronym that covers some of the identities in our rainbow community, but certainly not all.
Ōtaki Graffiti Reduction Project
The Ōtaki Graffiti Reduction Project is a partnership with Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) to remove graffiti in Ōtaki public spaces. This project is an opportunity for local rangatahi to work alongside KYS staff and creates an environment for soft mentoring with a practical focus, while also fostering community connections.
Kaibosh takes food surplus from local supermarkets and redistributes it through community groups and organisations. KYS has collaborated with Kaibosh since August 2020, delivering weekly food parcels to rangatahi and whānau who may be struggling to make ends meet, or where we know extra assistance is needed. We involve local rangatahi to help sort food for whānau and individuals each week – this helps rangatahi build a sense of community and pride, knowing that their involvement is having a direct impact on the community in a positive way and that they are helping to reduce stress and hardship for other rangatahi and whānau.